05 August 2009


If I were to list the top things that Satan uses to try to get to me it would look something like this:

1. Money/Car (usually related, but not always)
2. Depression
3. Addiction

Surrounding my recent sobriety birthday he has been pretty busy in my life trying to get me off track.

  • In June my car was the victim of a hit and run accident.
  • Last week I was deep in the throws of depression.
  • And this week I am being tempted by my addiction as I have not been tempted in quite some time.
I don't much care which buttons Satan chooses to push, I'm not falling for it.

Another tactic that he often uses to keep us trapped is silence. If I suffer in silence I suffer alone. If I choose to speak out I gain:

  • The prayers and support of other Christ followers
  • Accountability
  • The promises of God.

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